Located in the heart of God’s Country.
Here at JB Marketing, we love living and working in God’s Country. (Even if we don’t spot sad eyes and crooked crosses all that often.) We love spending our days here in southern Utah surrounded by red sandstone cliffs and the beauty of Zion National Park. And we long ago learned that once you get red dirt in your shoes, it’s tough to get it out.
This is where we feel at home but we’ve worked with clients throughout the United States. And we are no strangers to getting things done remotely. We have all the tools needed to provide for our clients wherever they are in the world.
Proud to be powered by former journalists.
JB Marketing was founded by Jud Burkett, a journalist with over 20 years of experience. That’s just one of the reasons JB Marketing places a premium on former journalists when it comes to hiring.
Jill Giesler at the Poynter Institue wrote out a list of 10 reasons why journalists make great hires a few years ago that really resonates with us. At the top of the list, journalists have all the skills a digital marketing firm needs. In addition, they hit deadlines. They’re great multitaskers. Journalists are critical thinkers who know how to get answers. They’re fiercely loyal, have a great work ethic, and a solid moral compass. Sounds like a pretty good hire, doesn’t it?
We’re voracious readers.
Throughout our website, you may have recognized our fondness for Donald MIller’s Storybrand framework, or maybe some nuggets of wisdom from Gary Vaynerchuk.
We love to learn about and love to build on concepts from proven marketers who’ve found techniques and strategies that work. Here at JB Marketing, we know a good idea when we hear one. And we love putting those ideas into practice. We are also pretty good at sniffing out a scam when we see one. We’ll help you avoid shortcuts and gimmicks that may bring short term results but do long term damage to your brand.
We believe in honest work and good karma being the best route to success. We’re in this game for the long haul. JB Marketing is determined to leave a legacy and to create a business that will continue to help other small businesses grow and thrive for decades to come.
A few of the companies we’ve worked with: